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dont wanna been seen or heard. dont wanna be told. i was haveing the perfect day until i was told. thankypu to the bitch that rewined my happy days withe the news i didnt want to hear. i dont know what to beieve anymore i wish i had never been told that
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Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I might as well give up :,(
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I might as well forget him I blew it I swear :,(
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's ok I know soz but I can't add pics for a while i know I have to and I will i just can't do it over text or call it has to b face to face
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Ohh lol fail. I thought you were in 6th. you kinda look it. Although you havent posted a pic in forever.~ AND that sucks. and yeah ask him. soon.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
9th grade this year darlin and I have to tell him I just dk how too yet I know what I wanna say I just dk how to do it it's weird but true I miss him and I miss us I can b his best friend and lover I know I can I'm so bummed out because I isn't kiss him or give him any effection I was so stupid I love him I wish I could have another chance but if he wants to it's a different story
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Yeah I know what you mean. Your in what grade 6th. I wouldn't have the balls to say anyof the thangs your sayn. like thats not even on my level yet.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Guys r so confusing i love him but I don't wanna tell him how I feel in fear of hurting us
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
.. I don't know what to say.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I know but I don't wanna tell him and him not feel the same way and then he drifts away because I love him and he doesn't
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Yeah thats y you gotta tell him how you feel. it all makes since now. :)
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He doesn't know how I feel yet and idk how he feels I wish I did but idk
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Girly chill! Maybe the things your saying maybe true. Don't over think it. He might think your a pyshco if you keep doing this and saying things like that!. Which your not. Have you asked your mom for advice?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
No I don't soz how do u know he still loves me maybe he is just doing it so I'm happy and he has forgot about the fb thing and maybe he isn't saying yes to the girls because he doesn't like them or what ever it wouldn't b me
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Aww, that means he isn't done with you. he loves you don't worry, about all that other stuff. All that matters is he is gonna wait for you. uhm you should post a pic of you two. do you have one?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah distance and there r girls after him but he said no to them and on fb he has that we r still in a relationship in his personal info and he is so sweet to me
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Answerr mee Hoollyyy...
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Did ya'll break up cause of distance?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Aww, maybe thats why he broke up with you. Cause he does not want you anymore.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's just sad thinking he might not want me anymore
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Aww, I hope everything goes well.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
We r like best friends it's so cute
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
:( I'm sorry jade he's not worth it then I'm so happy about how me and my ex r going I think he still loves me
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
I told him, and he told me to juss stop. If I don't have any confidence in some one actually thinking im pretty and nice, then so be it, and he said he wont' bother me ever again. :'/ i f#!ked up . BAD.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
That's ok Awwwwwwwww u poor thing :( u should expain to him that and if he really loves u he will forgive u
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
And yesterday, when I was watching the fireworks, it was this cute boy I saw before, he lives on my street and is so cute, but we never really talked. He sat next to me at the fireworks thing, and he just start talking and im like uhhhhhh, okaiee. And he asked me out and then I look over see his friends laughing, I guessed it wasa stupid f#!king joke, and told him to f#!k off. And i found out it wasn't a joke. Now I feel like a retart~ D:
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Oh i c. Sorry. :(
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I know forever alone I didn't even get a midnight kiss :( I wish I could of been wiv him he might if kissed me maybe :/ and yeah todally tell
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Guess what juss happened, like today! Well I tell you. But its soo weird. Wanna know?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Aww. Mine is to be less "dramatic". And be "Nicer". Oh and maybe get a boyfriend.! Lol #Forever alone.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Happy new year to u too my resolution is to talk to Aidan so he knows how I feel
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Good, I hope so. And its new years here. So HAPPY NEW YEARS HOLLY! :D
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's gonna b hard not to be to emotional but I should b fine
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Ohh, okay cool.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
In person it's better because then he can see that it's true and it's the best way even if it's hard
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Oh, then good luck.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I Wanna do it in person
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
So when you have time, tell him how you feel. What if you write it out? Or text him?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I can think of worse that could happen
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Tell him when you get enough courage.. I hate the word YOLO but forreal YOLO! :DD
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Aww, just tell him, the worst he can do is say he doesn't feel the same way.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I love him but I can't tell him how I feel without fear of hurting him or us :( I really need to tell him slowly and I know how to but I'm scared of what he would do or say
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk anymore
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Oic. Then maybe guys aren't so sensetive. And they came move on and not so lovey dubey like us girls..?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He won't talk to me or he will change the subject
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Oic. Email him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
No I'm at home wishing my best friend knew what I want him to know
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
well we were. And we have our ups and downs! But I don't think she is.. She is VERY serious this time. Ohh well. c: Sooo are you in school?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
If u r good friends she will come back
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Thats awesome! I got in a fight with my bestie, cause she said "You always are depressing.." Its kinda how I was saying to you, when you kept going on about your boyfriend, and I told you to STOP! and chill , and its annoying, well it back fired, adn when I told her something she said the same thing, but shes a baby, so now were not friends. 9months of friendship is gonnee! xD lol.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Ah ok then :) cool it's warm here
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Summer in December!! Its summer in July. Its snowy here@
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Ohh do ya'll do christmas?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Christmas break and it's summer here
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Are you in school? Or winter break? Or christmas breeak?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Nothen much I'm bored as well
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Hey whats up? I'm bored..
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm (38 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
26 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 75, Following 61
My life is crazy, amazing and stupid yes its true i love my ex/ bestfriend but i cant help it he is so amazing he changed me for the better i wish he knew how much i love him and i wish he misses me like i miss him but i think he is over me :,( hope not .
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my days r so blue without u x
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vsm= Very Stupid Move
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i wanna kiss my bf i miss him :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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