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10 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
Not allowed to date ever
11 yrs ago
sometimes it can get complex
11 yrs ago
christy the diva:D
11 yrs ago
christy the diva:D
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
been a weeks and 6 days
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm thats so long
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
its been a week and 3 days now :( and no reply :( and i couldnt talk to him our schools were too far apart and i couldnt get away :(
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm oh
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
well its been a week so i dought it but im gonna see him tomoz yay
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm he will text you back i'm pretty sure
11 yrs ago
@~Call Me Batman! ;D*ღ!~ oh um.... sorry
11 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
..from this.. soo uhm yeaah,, ,.
11 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Guys... I don't want to seem like a b!tch .. but can ya'll please comment on another pic.. I'm getting soooo many notify
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
today he sent me a text saying hi and i replied hi back and he didnt reply :(
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm :(
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
yeah it is he like text me saying r u going to interhigh but not answering my question and then he was at gym yesterday and he didnt talk to me either he stoood next to me though and we were almost too close during the tricep pushups i had to look down at my step otherwise i would of been looking directly at his ass trust me u have no idea how close it was.
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm damn thats alot
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
126 hrs
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation my friend says that alot
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i guess idk
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
okayy byeeee
11 yrs ago
well got to go :( bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee
11 yrs ago
aha another thing people call me aha
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation i've never met a guy who likes music u kinda cool
11 yrs ago
yeh been playing guitar for 12 years so i do like music
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation i guess you like music
11 yrs ago
yay i have music next
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation haha cool
11 yrs ago
aha :)
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation :D wow you do
11 yrs ago
aha i guess i do
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation haha u just have to face the truth
11 yrs ago
i seem to get that alot on this site :p
11 yrs ago
@Retaliation yepp and you're kinda cute
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
@samantha folpe true
11 yrs ago
samantha folpe
well try to not think negative just be like hay how are you or something it works.
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
now its been 95 hours :( i feel so stupid and im starting to think negative bout what he is gonna say......................... ............................ ............................ ........
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
yeah i did and he replied i sent him a reply and he hasnt replied in 56 hours :(
11 yrs ago
samantha folpe
turn it on see if he texted you back cause i do that alot and cause i useually do and theres always text.
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i sent him a text last night telling him i love him then i turned my phone off im so scared i cant even touch my phone :(
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i love him sooooooooooo much xxx
11 yrs ago
@i will tell you ware to put it yeah of course
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
because thire is more fish in the sea
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm well you should just be proud of who you are and if that kid doesn't like you then life could just f#!k him
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i just feel like i have u been saying all these nice things and ive just said the oppisite in returne .
11 yrs ago
samantha folpe
you have not been a bitch your a nice girl.
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i feeel like i have been
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
you havent
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
well i have been u guys r trying to help and im so scared that ive been a bitch bout it
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
dont be
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
im sorry i feel like a total bitch
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
if i text him now im just gonna be left hanging and i lose more sleep then i already em ok i admited it what evez i just cant yet until i can actually talk to him i cant i know i have too and i will and im gonna take the chance but i have to know that he will reply if he is near his phone so that i know wheatherive made a mistake u know what i mean i cant just text him while he is at work and then go to bed and b off my mind woundering if he has replied or if he hates me. dso u get what im saying . i know i sound like an obcession bitch but i love him and its reallly serious i gotta b careful im not just messing with my heart im messing with his and our friendship. im sorry if i seem like a bitch but he means so much and no one knows how our relationship is so i just gonna be slow and it is my first love / breakup 2 btw. so its all really new 4 me and im s#!t SCARED
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
you just got to take that chanes
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
he wont reply though and them ill be left hanging and if he hates me for what i say he wont talk to me anywayz
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
just tex him this is comeing from 2 people
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
he is at work and idk what time his break is or what time he finishes so idk when i can call him
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm just call him and tell him you like him and still have feelings for him i sure he'll understand and you never know he might like you back
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
idk if he knows it was even me i didnt know it was him till i hung up
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
st call back and tell him sorry phone hung up on asadents
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
today my stupid phone unlocked itself and rang me ex and managed to lock itself again without me knowing (till i checked my recent calls when i saw my credit.) during pe and a couple mins later i got a call from a private number i answerd it and said hey and i got a reply from a strange guy saying hi and i said whos this and the voice that sounded like a guy said whos this i thought it was some pedo so i hung up. all lunch i was thinking bout it and i realised it was my ex's voice :( what should i do?
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
at least someone does all my friends have bf's now and i dont i feel loner :(
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
that is because i care
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
hey girls non of u have done any wrong towards me u haave both given me advice when all my friends think im stupid
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
RespectAshley_ my favort qoute some people i will take a bullet for but for you no
11 yrs ago
@bye LOL . you dont even know mee ! so you cant say you dont like me . & i wasnt hurtinng any bodys feelings if thats what you're trying to say.
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
yeah i hope u girls r right caz i love him so much. And btw ill amswer any questions u have bout it
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
samantha folpe
yeah people should respect other peoples feelings i agree with bye.
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
e willl
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
yeah i hope so i thought he was at worked so i texted him and then he replied straight away i was so scared that i said i was busy and had to go :( im sooooo stupid . but i hope u r right and i hope he loves me 2.
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i am not made that way i stand up for the people that cant because they have so much on thire plate
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i just dont i see what she seids to people and i dont like it
11 yrs ago
@bye why not she's awsome
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
Natalie:D sorry i just dont like her
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
RespectAshley_ o sorrry bitch i will f#!k with u only care about your self and no one els
11 yrs ago
@RespectAshley_ y don't u and bye like each other
11 yrs ago
@bye bitchhh , ! dont f#!k with me . lmfaao.. k byee
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm - i know what you are saying dont worry about it he would be glade to hear you still like him
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
RespectAshley_ go away o look i dont respect you all the others i do
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
# by the way if we were still going out it would of been 1 year today but instead its 6 months and 8 days since we broke up
11 yrs ago
no one is talking about that anymore. tbh .
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i know what u guys mean but if he says he doesnt like me anymore then what no one gets just how much he means to me and losing him was hard enough but him never talking to me again because i still have feelings for him would kill me i know i have to tell him and i will b just have 2 b careful.
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
that was so sweet
11 yrs ago
samantha folpe
if you love that one guy go for him fight for him and take his heart and keep it forever ive been with my boyfriend for 4 years and he asked me to marry him yesterday and it was my birthday yesterday.
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
it is not that hared just ask him qeshtions
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
thanks girls im gonna try to im just thinking bout losing his friendship and love
11 yrs ago
so true
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
boo :)
it is wat it is wether u know it or not so just take the chance and talk to him about it
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
ya just ask he cant say eny thing about that can he
11 yrs ago
i argee . ~ (:
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
ask him ?
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
yeah i really should but if he doesnt he might not ever speak to me again :( and losing his is bad enough but him never talking to me again would kill me
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
do it he might feel the same way about you he is just shy
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
do it he might feel the same way about you he is just shy
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
yeah i should really tell him but im scared he might hate me and he is my best friend i cant lose him even more im surprised he still talks to me
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
you are lucky you rarly find those how havent
11 yrs ago
well i've never been bullied
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
with what
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
so can you help me?
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
it is ok i guess what ever
11 yrs ago
i feel bad for you
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
sorry if i am being negative but ya
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i am just done with life all it is adream you cant wake up from
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
sorry for my lauwige but i am f#!king done with people saying i am s#!t worth nothing and to go die in a hole
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i dont know eny more i am done with lfe
11 yrs ago
well what
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i see
11 yrs ago
i dont know yet
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
you there
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
in the futcher??
11 yrs ago
whatt do you mean what am i gonna do
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
same but it is apart of life what are u going to do??
11 yrs ago
hate doing mathhhh!!!!!!!
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
ohhhh cool follow me i'll follow you back
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
nice english
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
nice what class
11 yrs ago
yeah i'm doin' homework to
11 yrs ago
tht happens to me sometimes so don't worry
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
doing homwork
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
ya sorry
11 yrs ago
you mean chances
11 yrs ago
@i have time for you
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
Natalie:D yes what do u need
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
you just got to take that chanes
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm you should just tell him cuz how will you ever know if he likes you or not
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
pritty name and do it because if he still will feel that way it is true
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
my real name is Holly and yes i do love him but idk if he still loves me? and im afraid to ask him because im scared he will hate me . thats y i havent told him how i feel bout him :(
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
if you love him stay with him how many years do you get a chance at true love
11 yrs ago
samantha folpe
beautiful and me and my fiance have been together for 4 years i love him and he isnt with me right know but this is sooo true.
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
what is your real name
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
thanks girls well ask away then ill answer anything i guess.............
11 yrs ago
boo :)
u can talk to us we will be here for u
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
you can talk to us
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm its actually pretty interesting
11 yrs ago
boo :)
you can talk to me to i never get anoyed with stuff like that like most people do
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
no i help not add on to the stress
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
thats sweet but wont u get tired of me talking bout it like everyone else
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
tell me about it i can help
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
im weak and u dont know me its so sweet that u care so much though when no one else does. sometimes i just get so upset and no one cares i come on here and write things and i dont get comments but u have . and its hard caz when im upset i express though writing not talking caz no one gets me
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm it could be me to
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i am going off this sites sorry i am done with this s#!t
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
@Natalie:D thanks xxxxxx but plz dont cry its me
11 yrs ago
boo :)
i feel really bad tho
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
it is ok i am use to it:(
11 yrs ago
boo :)
i am really sorry that my sister said that about u i do not really think that
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
i am done with people always hating me and making me feel 2 inches tall
11 yrs ago
boo :)
if u unblock me i wil talk to u
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
is is ok i am done with life eny way:(
11 yrs ago
boo :)
@i have time for u sorry about the comment on u pic yesterday that was my sister on my thing and i am really sorry
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm ohhhhh i just want to burst out crying no joke
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
he works late a lot so its hard to catch him
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm ohh sooo sad :(
11 yrs ago
i will tell you ware to put it
some person that is being a bitch to me
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i wish i could say it wouod but idk im him ex and so idk
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm well hope your relationship gets better with him
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
mmmmmmmmm i know
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm ohh
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
really? idk what to say to him now caz we havent talked since i told him i was worried bout him and im hopeing he doesnt hate me
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm i feel like my heart just dropped reading that
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
thanks im so worried bout him he has been working long hours and then doing 2 or 3 gym classes afterwards and he looked soooooo exhausted yesterday when we were talking and mum told me that in the second classs he was struggling a lot so im really worried bout him but i told him and idk if he cared or not i just said plz dont hurt ursel and he said ok i love him and i dont want to see him hurt. i feel stupid worrieing like this bout my ex but i love him and ive tried to move on but i cant :( i wish he knew everything i feel xx
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm i care
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
at least someone cares and knows what im going through:(
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm i feel so bad
11 yrs ago
Cheyenne Sky :)
well i get what youre going through
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
and non of my friends get what im going though so i have no one tio help me
11 yrs ago
Cheyenne Sky :)
so true..
11 yrs ago
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm poor you
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
well i was going out with the most Amazing guy ever and he is my best friend and my life changed caz of him i wasnt being bullied anymore and we went out and then we broke up after 5 months 2 weeks and 4 days and i still love him sooooooo much we go to different schools and it wasnt working well thats what he said but i think he broke up with me caz i never kissed him and i wanted to so bad and i still do i hate myself for not kissing him
11 yrs ago
awwww.... why wut happend):
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
cute i know but it didnt work for me
11 yrs ago
this is so cute and true!
11 yrs ago
emz the mess
no fence but thats weird soz and its kinda true
11 yrs ago
emz the mess
who r u
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
11 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
@Guest2455544 ?? who r u
11 yrs ago
hi my girlfriend
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
IDk if it's working but I hope it is caz I love him so much
11 yrs ago
~simple single pringle!~
thats what i would do
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Awwwww u poor thing I know how u feel but it's different I'm trying to get my ex back and he has girls after him but he says no idk if he still likes me or not but I'm fighting wiv all my life for him
11 yrs ago
~simple single pringle!~
ik..and i wish i ould just get the guy i like to like me back...he gave me a hug today, he asked me for one...but then i found out he's dating a much for nothing
11 yrs ago
no one has posted aything here for a while..
12 yrs ago
cool quote by the way how old are you to have an ex? ah nevermind
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk what to do anymore I love him but I can't talk to him because idk what to say I know it's wrong loveing my ex but I can't help it we r best friends and I feel safe with him and I really want him and I to b ok but what Em I ment to do when everytime I see him I blow it and then I think he hates me idk if he even loves me anymore :,( it's so hard I need some persistence and courage I feel awful I wish I could fix everything I miss him:,( i feel awful idk what to do but I have to fix it bcaz I feel like s#!t :,( Friday I have to do it I must other wise I might rewin everything even our friendship and I might never get my boyfriend / bestfriend back :,( I miss him I miss us and I need to change to fix this :,( I need to b confident and talk to him I need to I have to if I don't I'm gonna have to forget him and our love and give it up but I need to stop getting emotional first and think about what to say :/
12 yrs ago
mae mae
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
i miss you sandwhich.! Everyone out there give a shout out to Mister. Sandwhichyy!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
This quote is mine and his we r always apart but never in phone line so this is hard
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
wrong pic. lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
What if he does ;/
12 yrs ago
❤Le-Le is Heart~broken❤!!
:((((((.....sad face
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
;( that's sad
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
I know! :'( Tear Tear lolz
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Awwwww jade that's cute and sad made me cry
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
yeahh i know sad huh.. "Distance never separates two hearts that reall care'!
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Holly.. My story: I went to Tennesse fell in love with a sandwhich. Didn't eat it all. went to the bathroom ; came back it was gone. Went home in Pennsylvnia looked out the airplane saying in my head' I know your out there sandwhich'. Yeah I miss that lovely meal so much ; I think About it everyday..... Truee Story! :'(
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Tell ur story as well :)
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
This quote is mine aNd my boyfriends quote caused we r always apart but we have been going out 4 months and a week and 5 days and haven't split or had a fight yet I have miss understood silence but that was a mistake I won't do again he said he wants me forever . Comment on this pic if u have a long distance relationship and won't people that know what ur going through to talk to xxxxxx
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm (38 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
26 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 75, Following 61
My life is crazy, amazing and stupid yes its true i love my ex/ bestfriend but i cant help it he is so amazing he changed me for the better i wish he knew how much i love him and i wish he misses me like i miss him but i think he is over me :,( hope not .
3 11 yrs ago
im in love with the best guy ever xxxxxxxxxxxx im wayyyyyyyyyyyy over my ex and …
222 11 yrs ago
ive been dared to tell my ex i still love him we broke up 5 months 2 weeks and 4…
28 11 yrs ago
244 11 yrs ago
552 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
To my amazing ex ill luv u forevz i hope u stilll luv me how u did b4 and u real…
3 11 yrs ago
My Heart is burning as it hits the ground it bursts and turns to flame its on fi…
Reply 11 yrs ago
when u think ur ok and then u fall into a crumbling heap i hate feeling this way…
15 11 yrs ago
why does he not love me anymore why does he not see how much im hurting its been…
Reply 11 yrs ago
my days r so blue without u x
7 12 yrs ago
vsm= Very Stupid Move
Reply 12 yrs ago
some times in life i get so annoyed at everything and feel like i wanna burn bec…
58 12 yrs ago
dont wanna been seen or heard. dont wanna be told. i was haveing the perfect day…
20 12 yrs ago
whos ur favourite mine is harry hes soooooooooo cute
64 12 yrs ago
when ur father makes u cry bcaz he starts giving u break up advice and saying it…
60 12 yrs ago
my hair looks feral xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply 12 yrs ago
so bored
36 12 yrs ago
check out my hair i look like micky mouse
1 12 yrs ago
love heat
208 12 yrs ago
all alone no one to talk to fighting wiv 2 of my friends and i dont ever wanna t…
39 12 yrs ago
feeling dead
4 12 yrs ago
when ur sick and u spend all ur time wishing u were healthy again been getting n…
Reply 12 yrs ago
health is awful i feel like this invisable
9 12 yrs ago
see im ugly p.s i love my bf
7 12 yrs ago
my eye i love my boyfriends eyes but i love mine more because wivout mine i cant…
157 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
those days when ur sick of ur friends and u wish all the pain would go away sick…
Reply 12 yrs ago
trying to b happy even though im sick and miss my boyfriend so much what a dull …
215 12 yrs ago
53 12 yrs ago
41 12 yrs ago
15 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
so tired me and my best friend watching movies lolz
87 12 yrs ago
290 12 yrs ago
19 12 yrs ago
Ugly as
114 12 yrs ago
This is what a bee can do to me
Reply (1) 12 yrs ago
i wanna kiss my bf i miss him :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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