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Ugly as
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Saylor Taylor
I know how you feel! I was in love with a boy until he broke my heart :(! But I know for a fact that outward beatuy dosn't matter, inward beatuy does!
6 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Thanx but really I'm nor
12 yrs ago
Kayla . (;
as xD
12 yrs ago
Kayla . (;
Your f#!ken pretty!!!!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Believe him or do u not caz he might b lying to protect us when really I want to truth
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
But I feel too clingy And idk If I'm annoying him and I asked him but do u be
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Thanx and yes I am in love Madly in love
12 yrs ago
Aww sounds like your in love. And if you don't wanna rewend it; just be yourself... aandd from my exprience if you smuther him and say i love you every second.. it would become weird. just do you. be yourself ; he can't not like you for that!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I love him I'm madly in love I've never felt so much feeling as I do for him I want him to b the 1 and I think he is actually I know he's the one x
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Sometimes I feel like I'm the weak link like I'm the one who will mess it up and it hurts me I've always been an unlucky charm and I'm trying so hard not to rewend this caz I'm so mad about him that if I stuff it like I do everything else then I'll hate myself caz I don't wanna do anything to hurt him never hes to important and it's so scarey thinking that I could rewen my own heart
12 yrs ago
aww thats a boyfirend that cares;!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He would call me and not hang up till I admit it
12 yrs ago
oh lol. haha
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm boyfriend would kill if he knew I said that
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Thanx that's sweet
12 yrs ago
no your really cute honestly!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm not that cute I'm ugly but thanx
12 yrs ago
I see!! and naaww, your soo Cute!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm (38 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
26 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 75, Following 61
My life is crazy, amazing and stupid yes its true i love my ex/ bestfriend but i cant help it he is so amazing he changed me for the better i wish he knew how much i love him and i wish he misses me like i miss him but i think he is over me :,( hope not .
3 11 yrs ago
im in love with the best guy ever xxxxxxxxxxxx im wayyyyyyyyyyyy over my ex and …
222 11 yrs ago
ive been dared to tell my ex i still love him we broke up 5 months 2 weeks and 4…
28 11 yrs ago
244 11 yrs ago
552 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
To my amazing ex ill luv u forevz i hope u stilll luv me how u did b4 and u real…
3 11 yrs ago
My Heart is burning as it hits the ground it bursts and turns to flame its on fi…
Reply 11 yrs ago
when u think ur ok and then u fall into a crumbling heap i hate feeling this way…
15 11 yrs ago
why does he not love me anymore why does he not see how much im hurting its been…
Reply 11 yrs ago
my days r so blue without u x
7 12 yrs ago
vsm= Very Stupid Move
Reply 12 yrs ago
some times in life i get so annoyed at everything and feel like i wanna burn bec…
58 12 yrs ago
dont wanna been seen or heard. dont wanna be told. i was haveing the perfect day…
20 12 yrs ago
whos ur favourite mine is harry hes soooooooooo cute
64 12 yrs ago
when ur father makes u cry bcaz he starts giving u break up advice and saying it…
60 12 yrs ago
my hair looks feral xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply 12 yrs ago
so bored
36 12 yrs ago
check out my hair i look like micky mouse
1 12 yrs ago
love heat
208 12 yrs ago
all alone no one to talk to fighting wiv 2 of my friends and i dont ever wanna t…
39 12 yrs ago
feeling dead
4 12 yrs ago
when ur sick and u spend all ur time wishing u were healthy again been getting n…
Reply 12 yrs ago
health is awful i feel like this invisable
9 12 yrs ago
see im ugly p.s i love my bf
7 12 yrs ago
my eye i love my boyfriends eyes but i love mine more because wivout mine i cant…
157 12 yrs ago
1 12 yrs ago
those days when ur sick of ur friends and u wish all the pain would go away sick…
Reply 12 yrs ago
trying to b happy even though im sick and miss my boyfriend so much what a dull …
215 12 yrs ago
53 12 yrs ago
41 12 yrs ago
15 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
so tired me and my best friend watching movies lolz
87 12 yrs ago
290 12 yrs ago
19 12 yrs ago
Ugly as
114 12 yrs ago
This is what a bee can do to me
Reply (1) 12 yrs ago
i wanna kiss my bf i miss him :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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