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Saylor Taylor
awww so cute!
6 yrs ago
greatest snowman
why cant we get guys like him?
6 yrs ago
He is SOOOO perfect!!!
6 yrs ago
listen i need a man like that call me up if yall find one
7 yrs ago
i wish i had a boyfriend like that... or a boyfriend at all. Yup, liven the sad life
7 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
this is cute. NO IT IS NOT U IDOIT! yes it is! NO IT'S NOT! yes it is yang! *punches each other*
8 yrs ago
Babii Girl
8 yrs ago
mrs muffin the kind one
this is so cute. i feel like my heart is beating
9 yrs ago
Guest #5656527
9 yrs ago
well.....I love me i say i love me
9 yrs ago
Rosailiana Ramirez (Baddazzel)
Dats so cute whish i had a boyfriend like him but mine dnt wanna talk to me rn he sweetr
9 yrs ago
Chad TSH
unless if ur a boy than...kinda since...I think...
9 yrs ago
Chad TSH
Ooh 2 girlfriends Maybe u guys should have a girls night out
9 yrs ago
I want a guy like this:)
10 yrs ago
lizzy coronel
10 yrs ago
lizzy coronel
2 cute
10 yrs ago
aww thats cute
10 yrs ago
Emaliza <3
wish i had a guy like this...
10 yrs ago
Kitty_18 <3
ikr me 2
11 yrs ago
This profile is inactive
11 yrs ago
so cute i wish every guy was like that
11 yrs ago
OMG sweet
11 yrs ago
Not allowed to date ever
awww thts so sweet :)
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
doesnt exist
f#!king award
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
thats so cute! ;*
11 yrs ago
Kitty_18 <3
awwwwww!!!!! thats so cute he should get respect
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
awwwwww! thats so cute i think itll be his daughter thats really cute
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
Guest #2614809
thats so cute
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
11 yrs ago
i love this it is soo cute!!(:
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
i know i wish i had the gutts to stand out for what i love but i dont
11 yrs ago
kassieee the hot 1
That's soo cute
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
heheheh i love it
11 yrs ago
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
My really confused I'm sorry
11 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
becuz of evrthin 've told me for the past 3 months u wouldnt tell me 4 no reason
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk u don't even know him or me so how would u know
11 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
he does
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk I doughy it very much I wish he did
11 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
he probably misses u too
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I try to get over him but I just can't I miss him
11 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I would like to know I still have a chance that he still loves me
11 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well if he is atleast he's letting u know that something is going on ur not telling him anything
11 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I know it's weird but idk if he likes me still I think he is just letting me down slowly so he doesn't hurt me
11 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Ikr it is kinda funny
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
u kno its kinda funny how u can tell me all this but u cant even tell him how u feel
12 yrs ago
It doesn't matter if u annoy him because he is probably feeling the same way u have feelings for him but he is proably scared to say it!! :) Love is wht i live for!!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk but guys r like that
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I never have a comment from u that I can't reply to
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
how is that gonna annoy himm if its true?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
@Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm .... I am , always!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I know ur never on Jade
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I could but I don't wanna annoy him :(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well make him know moree tell him more often
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
.. Holly we never talk anymore. :c
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
What is there to say he knows I love him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
like maybe u need to tell him if he's sendin u x"s and o's and awwwww
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
What do u mean and he said goodnight xoxo again last night :/ :) :/
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
maybe he's juss trynna start all the way over
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He made me laugh today and all I wanted to do was hug him and kiss him :( he was so cute and it killed me caz I was so happy and he looked happy too all that was missing was I love u and Huggs and kisses
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
maybe not
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He knows
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
maybe ur supposed to say it
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I don't think he ment it but he keeps pushing my heart like that wiv misterious x and o and hearts and sweet comments but he never says he still loves me :/
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Last night but he didn't mean it :(
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He sent me goodnight xoxo
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
mhm kay then
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Monday now
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
mhm kayy juss tell me
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Ok i will but there prob won't b much to tell
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
mhm kay tell me wat happeneds
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well try to find out
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk when I'll see him :/
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
mhm kay
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Im going to I'm gonna talk to him idk when I'll see him but I'll talk to him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
then let it be u juss need to tell him
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
get over it.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He is worth EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!! He's is like $10000000.00 and more
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yeahh if he's worth it then it will be worth it
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He doesn't look hurt but I guess he could b hiding it I need to tell him and hope I get his feeling in return but guys don't do feelings as well as girls so idk I might just get ok bye but I have to even if it hurts me
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
if its hurting u then its probably hurting him too. its probably hurting him more than u think. EVERRYTHING that u've told me you need to tell him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm confused explain again
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
how will u hurt him by tellin him the truth... thats y its hurting u becuz its the TRUTH
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He isn't ur typical guy like we know them to b he is very touchy he will take it to heart i need to b careful thats y I'm so scared I can't hurt him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
THEN TELL HIM EVERYTHING!!!!! everything that u've been telling me for the past like 2 months u need to tell him !!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Because I love him and I need to prove to him I love him and I was stupid in or last relationship and I do have the guts to kiss him because I love him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well if ur not "good enough 4 him" then y r u still trying
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He is it's me I'm not good enough for him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
then he's not worth it
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He is everything and i don't care what I must do to get him back I'm scared he doesn't love me anymore and that what scares me into not talking to him about how I feel
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
juss try u said he that he was "WORTH EVERYTHING"
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Like how ????????? He won't care I bet but I can try
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
if he loved u then how does he kno that u still love him u need to tell him but dont make it obvious
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It doesn't mean a thing we broke up because the distance between us was too far apart we hardly saw eachother and it hurt him and me he might still love me idk he might not either
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
obvi he has its been 2MONTHS!!!!!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk if he has
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well juss move on becuz it looks like he has
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm willing to wait but idk if he loves me
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
u can ether wait or get over him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
When I met him I was a mess and he fixed me made u believe again our friendship is special and our love was the same I'd never felt that way b4 and it is so real idk what I'm gonna do
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
mhm really?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I hope not because he is the best thing I've ever done
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well one day in the future ur gonna look bac and ask urself y did u hold on so long and u wont have an answer
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
No I don't want to hurt him he knows I sill love him but yeah that's all
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
You don't have to,.. Did you tell him how you felt ?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
But I love him more its weird I know I got over him once but then I found out he liked me and now I just can't stop loveing him :(
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Okay so leave it as that.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yes he was but he is my best friend too
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Is he like your first bf?
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
No offence, but your obbsessed.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I can't I love him I can't do it :( what if he still loves me witch I dont recone but idk it's tool hard
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
You can do it Holly. :)
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
But He doesn't love me anymore because it's been 2 months since we broke up and I can tell he's over me so it's now time to move on as hard as it's gonna b
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I wish he would
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
My guy didn't say the message it's just something I found that's cute the guy I like wouldn't say that to me
12 yrs ago
little chola(;
i dont understand when he said i will be in love with a another girl and in 10 years she will call u mama like wtf
12 yrs ago
little chola(;
i dont understand when he said i will be in love with a another girl and in 10 years she will call u mama like wtf
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well it seems like u dont have a choice but to move on
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
we have been broken up 2 months and 2 day now and I'm not over him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He wouldn't hurt it would make his life eaier becaz I'm not here and he won't har to worrie about hurting me he wouldn't give a crap he would just move on even more then he already has
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
WTF dont f#!king do that becuz its not really worth all that. u r on this earth 4 a reason. maybe the reason u guys broke up is probably juss to get bac togethor in the futrue. i dont even kno u but please dont do that u never kno if he'll change his mind in the futrue and if u kill urself then he'll b the 1 hurting more becuz u no longer exsit. DON'T DO THAT!!!!! juss have hope for wat the future will bring u.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Dk maybe I should just die then. I won't have pain or confusion and I won't b in love anymore
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh well then how r u gonna sovle this
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I can't ask him If he said no I would die
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
thats when u react u ask him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk I can't do it I love him but does he love me idk
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
Stop thinking and react
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I donk think he likes me though
12 yrs ago
Tht is wht is thought when i was this dude but he liked me. it doesn't matter if he deserve it matters if he likes u!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He won't come back to me I'm not good enough he deserves better
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
the point is not to give up juss becuz he did doesnt mean that one he wont see u chasing him and change his mind back to loving u PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I think I have really done it this time and I don't think he likes me anymore so what's the point
12 yrs ago
Never give up!! I broke up with someone REALLY like and I really miss him but he has a girlfriend now but tht don't stop me from tlk to him! Plz don't
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I think i might as well forget it now because I think I might have blew it ok I did :,(
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk his friends I don't go to school wiv him if I did I wouldn't b saying this
12 yrs ago
Ask one of his BEST friends
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I would love for it to b that easy but idk if he feels the same anymore
12 yrs ago
Maybe go back out with him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk what to do :(
12 yrs ago
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk I think he just wants to b friends but I still love him like really love him
12 yrs ago
Tht is SOO sweet!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk yet I don't think he does
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
u nver kno
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
well he doesn't hate me he just might not love me like tha
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
How do u know he might hate me
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
he will
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It ok it's just hard thinking he might not come back to me
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Sorry I had to..
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I love him and nobody else So I'm gonna fight for him and no one else can have me until he shows he doesn't want me
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I love him and nobody else
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ur supposed to wanna fight 4 something u love. but u also have to see if ur gonna win with someone else that wants to fight for himm
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm gonna fight for him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
hahah lol we;; try hard
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I don't want him to totally freak out
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
lol hahahaha
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It is important I take it slow on him too
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yesh i get u on that
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He is so sweet that's y I need to talk to him tell him how I feel about him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
awww thats cute
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He kills me in a good way we aren't going out but he sends x and
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm trying
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh well try not to
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's hard when I don't wanna do anything wrong
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh well try harder
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm trying to now but he hadn't said anything yet
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
hahahah lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I'm going to I really Em
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
hahha well keep doin it
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I wounder if he knows I'm doing it well realises
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh well thats good
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
But sometimes I just do it
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Like when he says did u like my top I can't help not say something about his arms
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Like when he says did u like my top I can't help not say something about his arms
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
wow yeahh well u cant help that
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Sometimes he just says all the right things and I can't help myself
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh yea
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I love him so I had to it's hard not to
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
hahahahah wow mhm kay
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He kinda said something and I kinda need to flrty text back :(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Just in small ways
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohhhh how
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I'm trying to flirt wiv him :/ not working
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
awww thats good
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
When I know he won't I'll leave him buy he is worth my fighting for
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well some day ur gonna have to becuz what if he doesnt come bac?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I don't plan to move on I plan go try keep our feeling alive
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well wait and let himm come to u but untill he does then u have to move on
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I love him I just have to let him come to me
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yea i get u on that
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
No but I don't wanna hurt our friendship I'm super lucky to even have that back
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
y does he have a gf
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I can't do that to him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
u should ask him if he cares
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I think so I told him but I don't think he cares
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yea well does he kno that that u still have feelings for himmm
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Injust don't wanna annoy him u know what guys r like
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh well juss talk to him more often
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I have but it's hard to because I love him but I want it to b ok so if we r ment to b he will come back round later not move on :(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yea but u juss have to have hope have u talked to himm since
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's hard thinking that it might of been the end of something u found so true like a forever thing
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yeaa thats truee but u nver kno
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
If we did get back together it wouldn't b until after high school so two years but alot can change in that time :(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
oh well then ull find a way
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
School Jobs sport U know normal stuff
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohhh y? like what made u two not see eachother
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
No it's justwe didnt see eachother much
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
ohh did u move or somethin or did he move
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
No it ok I just didn't expect it
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
is that okay? cuz if not then ill stop
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
U don't even know me and yet u hope for the best
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yea i hope im rite too :)
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
even though I hope u r right
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I fought that very much :,(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
maybe not he could be thinking of u as uch as ur thinking of him
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Idk I think he's over me
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well one day it will juss wait... he'll come bac!!!!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Not for me
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
sometimes they do
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I wish but wishes don't always me true
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I wish it could be another chance
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well u have to new year new things new people
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I don't want to
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yea ur supposed to thats half of moving on
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I ment still
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Yeah I sill love him
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
yea ur gonna get through it u'll be okay
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's ok don't feel bad for me I just have to get over it
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
awwwwwww omg im so sorry
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
We went out for 5 months 2 weeks and 4 days and we have been apart 1 month 3 weeks
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
awww!!!! how long were u guys apart?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I didn't just lose my boy friend I lost my best friend all in 1 :'(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
well thats good
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's ok im fine
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
awwwwwwww im so sorry
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He dumped me bcaz we were to far apart
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
aww wat happend to himm
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I wish I still had my boyfriend I love him so much :'''(
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I know right
12 yrs ago
<3 kwadjaboo!!!<3 haha lol
hahahahhaha thats cutee
12 yrs ago
Carrola ♥
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I k right
12 yrs ago
Thats Flipping hilariouss
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Ah that's awFul
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
lol i have no sisters. three 3brothers and there soo GAY! lol
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I have two younger sisters and they drive me up the wall
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
cool. I want 3 kids .. a boy and 2 grils. or a 2 boyus and one girl. doesn't matter.. maybe all girls! ^_^
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I want 2 kids a girl and a boy
12 yrs ago
Carrola ♥
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I know it is scarey :/ but I love him so it may happen
12 yrs ago
Carrola ♥
scary ahahah :P
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
He also said less then ten years witch is scarey caz I'm 14 :/
12 yrs ago
Carrola ♥
12 yrs ago
thats sweet
12 yrs ago
Carrola ♥
yea !!!! ♥
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
My boy is so cute
12 yrs ago
Carrola ♥
Awww!!! ♥
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
my boyfriend liked it when i sent it to him hes so cute xxxxxxxxxxxx
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
Years I mean
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I sent what's up there To my boyfriend and he said could b less then 10 but longer then 4
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
hmm.. i don't know. what do you mean?
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I told my bf that and I'm 14 and he said maybe be less then that but more then 4 years should I b scared?????????
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
i see it.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
I know I'm gonna add a new one
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
its cute.
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm
It's so funny I love things like that lolz x
12 yrs ago
~ jade ;D*ღ!~
Haha lOL~!
12 yrs ago
Luvs her bestfriend/ex :,( vsm (38 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
26 yrs old from Australia. Followed By 75, Following 61
My life is crazy, amazing and stupid yes its true i love my ex/ bestfriend but i cant help it he is so amazing he changed me for the better i wish he knew how much i love him and i wish he misses me like i miss him but i think he is over me :,( hope not .
3 11 yrs ago
im in love with the best guy ever xxxxxxxxxxxx im wayyyyyyyyyyyy over my ex and …
222 11 yrs ago
ive been dared to tell my ex i still love him we broke up 5 months 2 weeks and 4…
28 11 yrs ago
244 11 yrs ago
552 11 yrs ago
Reply 11 yrs ago
To my amazing ex ill luv u forevz i hope u stilll luv me how u did b4 and u real…
3 11 yrs ago
My Heart is burning as it hits the ground it bursts and turns to flame its on fi…
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when u think ur ok and then u fall into a crumbling heap i hate feeling this way…
15 11 yrs ago
why does he not love me anymore why does he not see how much im hurting its been…
Reply 11 yrs ago
my days r so blue without u x
7 12 yrs ago
vsm= Very Stupid Move
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some times in life i get so annoyed at everything and feel like i wanna burn bec…
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dont wanna been seen or heard. dont wanna be told. i was haveing the perfect day…
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whos ur favourite mine is harry hes soooooooooo cute
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my hair looks feral xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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so bored
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check out my hair i look like micky mouse
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love heat
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feeling dead
4 12 yrs ago
when ur sick and u spend all ur time wishing u were healthy again been getting n…
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health is awful i feel like this invisable
9 12 yrs ago
see im ugly p.s i love my bf
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my eye i love my boyfriends eyes but i love mine more because wivout mine i cant…
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1 12 yrs ago
those days when ur sick of ur friends and u wish all the pain would go away sick…
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trying to b happy even though im sick and miss my boyfriend so much what a dull …
215 12 yrs ago
53 12 yrs ago
41 12 yrs ago
15 12 yrs ago
4 12 yrs ago
so tired me and my best friend watching movies lolz
87 12 yrs ago
290 12 yrs ago
19 12 yrs ago
Ugly as
114 12 yrs ago
This is what a bee can do to me
Reply (1) 12 yrs ago
i wanna kiss my bf i miss him :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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