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im smiling. I just covered it up. idk who u are sooo
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jeffw :)
4 yrs ago
U can't even tell me that seriously?
4 yrs ago
u can be honest with me
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
maybe (^_^)
4 yrs ago
@jeffw :) U a virgin?
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
yep :)
4 yrs ago
It's only natural to put whipped cream on top
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
of course
4 yrs ago
With whipped cream right?
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i sometime put blackberries raspberries strawberry in my and it's delicious
4 yrs ago
I have one of those waffle makers and it's awesome
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
okay (^_^)
4 yrs ago
Ik it's delicious
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
ohhh 🤩🤩🤩🤩
4 yrs ago
then put vanilla ice cream with chocolate fudge
4 yrs ago
I make mine out of batter and then cool it down on a rack to make it crunchy all-around
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i put my in the the microwave for 2 minutes and I got it out and then i put ice cream on the top with a cherry and that was good
4 yrs ago
I love waffles and if u let em dry the right way they crunchy af
4 yrs ago
damn sounds good
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
OOF (X_X) my was with whipped cream and a Kit Kat
4 yrs ago
bruhhh im eating a waffle rnnnnn
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i mean i never have a waffle until now
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
I ate a waffle and taste like coffee
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
it's okay
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
@ThatOneSimp nope
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
but good guess I guess :^
4 yrs ago
So u are 13 just like your other profile says
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@jeffw :) SAYLOR?!
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
that we funny i love how people try to hrad to find who i'm am
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
wow (O_O)
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@ThatOneSimp who do we know that used to be on here who likes creepypasta?
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
@JustKenzie you win the first game use the name and age put them together and if u smart you know who i'm am and aka i'm not jeff
4 yrs ago
Getting closer how?
4 yrs ago
@JustKenzie Bc he loves creepypasta
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i am actually blushing rn awww you guy's are getting closer
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i know now okay (X_X)
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@jeffw :) why is ur name jeffrey woods on remind?
4 yrs ago
@jeffw :) Jeff
4 yrs ago
Yea it's mary jane
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
nope keep guessing
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@ThatOneSimp his name is Jeffrey Woods
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
@JustKenzie OOF (X_X) HAHAHAHAHA oh my god i can't believe this i say mary james boi what the hell is wrong with me for getting people names wrong i can't stop laughing
4 yrs ago
@JustKenzie That's a creepypasta character
4 yrs ago
@jeffw :) Yea i watched the new one
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
4 yrs ago
who r u
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
Did you guys watch Spider-Man
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@jeffw :) thats mary jane and no u kno mary
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
bc she is famous on Spider-Man
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
do u mean that mary bc idk that's the only i know so far
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i think she's off Spider-Man idk I forgot
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
wait you mean mary James 🤩🤩🤩
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@ThatOneSimp Mary is the only one who can hurt him
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
4 yrs ago
What about mary?
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i just don't like people careing about me bc it's just sad :^
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
it's okay :) remember no body can hurt me there is only one person who can hurt like that and she is not here anyomre :(
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@ThatOneSimp Hes a perv
4 yrs ago
okay but what if its bc he's a pedo
4 yrs ago
He prob doesn't want anybody to know anything about him
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
4 yrs ago
Give him a chance
4 yrs ago
@JustKenzie Don't go 8 yearold on him now
4 yrs ago
Billie Lover💙
@jeffw :) LEAVE US ALONE!
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
nope but i'm not that old okay i'm not Krusty
4 yrs ago
@jeffw :) What about your age u can tell us that at least
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i never take a pic of myself u know that
4 yrs ago
@ChaleesitaXD Go to the doc
4 yrs ago
For all we know u could be jacking off about her face
4 yrs ago
or sitting in ur house taking pics of u in panties
4 yrs ago
She knows my age so she's not scared to let me see her face
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
4 yrs ago
I don't want her scared bc she'll stop letting me see her awesome pretty face
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
hahahaha i can't stop laughing someone help me XD and i'm not 40 bc why would i be here i mean think about i would have a job and a family
4 yrs ago
@jeffw :) Calm it down you're scaring her
4 yrs ago
awwww:( im sorry..
4 yrs ago
@ChaleesitaXD But, u have a pretty face
4 yrs ago
oops bc Jeff is creeping me out. not u
4 yrs ago
bc ur creeping me out and u could be f#!king 40
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
@ChaleesitaXD Y?
4 yrs ago
ok well im not posting anymore bc of u
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
maybe i'm not real maybe I am
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
nobody special jusst me notthing more and notthing less
4 yrs ago
whoo tf are u
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
what now :''
4 yrs ago
uugggghhhhhhhh dude
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
nobody can hurt me and it's okay :)
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
your not a bitch your a goddess
4 yrs ago
cuz ur nice, but if it u, ur creepy
4 yrs ago
if I knew that u were in ur teens and u fs weren't that guy, I wouldn't be being a bitch to u:)
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
wow sure
4 yrs ago
This is the only time I would say, keep the f#!king panties on please
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
i have that one pic when you smile i have that one u look cute you know that right
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
@ChaleesitaXD u know i love where everyone smile and i you'll have your pic downloaded in my files so every time you don't smile i just look at that bc it make me feel good
4 yrs ago
so u could be the pedophilic in panties cuz he looks 42
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
you make me laugh hahahahahahaha love it so mach how about this i'm somewhere 11-43
4 yrs ago
if I knew 100% that u weren't the pedo in the panties, I would post an actual pic
4 yrs ago
jeffw :)
hahhahahahhahaha XD love it 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
4 yrs ago
ChaleesitaXD (34 Photos) Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
19 yrs old from United States. Followed By 54, Following 6
Basketball, Volleyball, Softball. If I don't answer you, that means I don't like you or im not on. but most likely i dont like you:)) Straight as a board and don't do online weird s#!t so don't hit on me:)
16 3 yrs ago
does anyone even get on here anymore
7 4 yrs ago
BLOW UP THE COMMENTS! WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR X-MAS!? Also, don't mind my face at a…
11 4 yrs ago
first bballl game of the year tomorrowwwww
19 4 yrs ago
what's up bitches
24 4 yrs ago
when you're always there for a good friend and you're not even on there bio😂�…
17 4 yrs ago
guys. im bored, entertain me?
197 4 yrs ago
ever have those days where you try to look hawt but just can't pull it off? me t…
12 4 yrs ago
stop spamming kid
7 4 yrs ago
online school is s#!t
18 4 yrs ago
if you know what this means, we can be pals
55 4 yrs ago
I love my little bro
249 4 yrs ago
104 4 yrs ago
im smiling. I just covered it up. idk who u are sooo
37 4 yrs ago
Jeff sus as f#!k
76 4 yrs ago
is Jeff the weird dude who posted that pic of him in a pink bra and panties
80 4 yrs ago
love my team
40 4 yrs ago
How well do u really have to know someone to "be in love with them" clearly nobo…
34 4 yrs ago
what emotions am I supposed to feel
15 4 yrs ago
3 4 yrs ago
everything good in my life jus disappeared
38 4 yrs ago
I have to fukin quarantine for 2 weeks because I was exposed to the rona😔😑…
25 4 yrs ago
Jeffw :) lied to me. u aint gunna see my face ever again
110 4 yrs ago
dats da best I can do
39 4 yrs ago
I gots a new favorite hoodie from that one guy;)
80 4 yrs ago
im actually broken rn
55 4 yrs ago
change my mind about that happy thing..
2 4 yrs ago
I wanna punch a bitch idk why I just do😂🤣
12 4 yrs ago
kinda feel bad cuz its like 14 degrees outside and after practice I had his hood…
26 4 yrs ago
jus vibin on da floor
9 4 yrs ago
Hes said yes. Plussssss I got da hoodieeee
4 4 yrs ago
going to take volleyball pictures. hopefully i dont look too much like a potato
Reply 4 yrs ago
im bouta spam cuz im bored ah
Reply 4 yrs ago
sumbody hmu
2 5 yrs ago
im so bored somebody get onnnn
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