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I love the detention lady. She's super nice
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6 yrs ago
Landen M Sawyer
what grade are you even in
6 yrs ago
I have ISS
6 yrs ago
I skipped class yesterday with a friends of mine. We drove over to his house and hung out there
6 yrs ago
Landen M Sawyer
why do you have detention you dont seem like a person who would get detention
6 yrs ago
Elliot Sign In or Sign Up to follow this user.
20 yrs old from United States. Followed By 24, Following 54
If you have an issue with me, f#!k off. You don't like my friends? f#!k off. You mess with my family or friends, BITCH RUN AND f#!kING HIDE!!!! Anyway, have a nice day!!!
7 6 yrs ago
i be lookin cute
17 6 yrs ago
Saw one of my crushes shirtless today!!! DAAAMN
2 6 yrs ago
Talking with my friends
Reply 6 yrs ago
Four minutes until lunch
3 6 yrs ago
Welcome to ISS where all you want is your bed
3 6 yrs ago
Algebra hw is great
25 6 yrs ago
Last day of ISS
9 6 yrs ago
I'm in ISS again.
12 6 yrs ago
Sitting in science thinking and trying not to laugh at my friends
2 6 yrs ago
All cuddled up in my bfs sweatshirt
18 6 yrs ago
Good morning!
6 6 yrs ago
I keep getting asked if I'm a furry, Squirtle, or Sully from Monsters Inc.
17 6 yrs ago
1 6 yrs ago
Just finished my science quiz. I got 6/24 right. And I studied!
Reply 6 yrs ago
Good morning! Learning about Spanish religions which is nice since I'm Spaniard.…
3 6 yrs ago
Sorry I've been gone. Been dealing with stuff
Reply 6 yrs ago
Sorry I've been gone. Been dealing with stuff
2 6 yrs ago
Probably gonna fall asleep here soon
Reply 6 yrs ago
Lunch time
Reply 6 yrs ago
My friends are so weird
5 6 yrs ago
I love the detention lady. She's super nice
2 6 yrs ago
I've got ISS
6 6 yrs ago
Big brothers
8 6 yrs ago
Reply 6 yrs ago
WICOR aka Study hall
2 6 yrs ago
sunshine mixed with a little hurricane
14 6 yrs ago
No makeup
1 6 yrs ago
Ready for spirit day!
Reply 6 yrs ago
history class
5 6 yrs ago
Brother is doing better
5 6 yrs ago
If yall can just pray for my brother. He's in the hospital for an overdose. His …
12 6 yrs ago
2 6 yrs ago
I'm sorry you don't like me. Not everyone has good taste
Reply 6 yrs ago
It's that heart of gold and stardust that make you beautiful.
22 6 yrs ago
I like my coffee how I like myself, Dark, Sweet, and too hot for you
3 6 yrs ago
Messy hair a visible attribute of her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, sh…
2 6 yrs ago
I'm cute I'm blessed and I'm liven life to the fullest.
6 6 yrs ago
In english
4 6 yrs ago
Doing way better than yesterday
56 6 yrs ago
Big brother is over
Reply 6 yrs ago
Night guys
6 6 yrs ago
Doing pretty good.
5 6 yrs ago
He broke up with me
Reply 6 yrs ago
In English. Worried about him
Reply 6 yrs ago
Night guys!
Reply 6 yrs ago
I can't help but to smile when I think or talk to/or about him
Reply 6 yrs ago
Tired af
Reply 6 yrs ago
Reply 6 yrs ago
History class
1 6 yrs ago
Good morning!
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